Did a post myself on banned books. I say read them. Demand them from your libraries. Keep them in print. Do not let anyone tell you what you can say or read.


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Amen to everything you say, Robin! Thank you.

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This book is a great choice to highlight for Banned Books Week. I agree that the language is a bit too florid, but the characters and the plot are vivid and engaging.

I used to maintain a Virginia Woolf fan page and wrote a couple Instagram posts about her involvement with the obscenity trial. She supported Radcliffe Hall based on the principles of free speech and free expression but had no admiration for the novel:



I get the feeling that Woolf might have sat the whole thing out were it not for V. Sackville-West pestering her to publicly challenge the censorship.

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Thank you so much for this added insight, Paulo. I'll take a look at your IG posts.

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